News and Press Releases

Prominent Afghan journalist Ahmed Hanayesh was shot by a group of armed men in Islamabad on the evening of April 3, sustaining serious injuries to his…

The Media and Creative Industry Workers Union for Democracy (SINDIKASI), an IFJ affiliate, released on 24 March two groundbreaking reports that…

Women journalists Antonina Favorskaya, known for her independent reporting, and Olga Komleva, a dedicated correspondent for RusNews, were arrested in…

The IFJ took part in the 68th annual Commission on the Status of Women (CSW68), the UN’s largest annual gathering on gender equality and women’s…

[UPDATED 04.04.2024] Thirteen media professionals from Radio Television Vojvodina (RTV), who were forced to work for years on short-term and…

The editor of FirstNews, an independent digital news network, Segun Olatunji, was abducted by at least ten armed men ‘two of them in military…

[UPDATED 25.04.2024] On 26 March, a Moscow court extended US Moscow-based Wall Street Journal correspondent Evan Gershkovich’s detention for an…

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joined other 38 other media freedom organisations in calling out the “collective official silence”…

In a letter to Serbian authorities, the International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) joins partners of the Media Freedom Rapid…

Veteran Pakistani journalist Sagheer Ahmed Laar was killed on March 14 after unidentified men opened fire on him outside a pharmacy in Punjab. The…

New research by the Reuters Institute analyses the gender representation of senior editors in major news outlets across five continents, recording…

Cordoba played host to Spain’s second training for journalists on the portrayal of women in politics on 15-16 March. Nineteen participants, drawn from…

En los últimos días, la crisis en el país antillano se profundizó luego de que las pandillas que controlan la capital lograran la dimisión del primer…

Egyptian journalist Rana Mamdouh working for news outlet Mada Masr was detained on 10 March at the Alamein police station while on her way to Ras…

Una encuesta realizada por la Federación Internacional de Periodistas en América Latina y el Caribe evidenció la situación en la que se encuentran las…

Since the start of the war in Gaza, Palestine, on 7 October, journalists and media workers have been specifically targeted. Women journalists have…