News and Press Releases

The National Union of Journalists of Ukraine (NUJU) has won support for a 14-point plan to save the country's print media.

In a statement published today, leading international press freedom and journalists’ organisations condemn the continued judicial persecution of…

Myanmar’s military arrested two Kachin state-based journalists and three Shan state-based journalists in two separate incidents, as violence continues…

Myanmar authorities released Associated Press (AP) journalist Thein Zaw from detention on Wednesday, March 24, following his arrest three weeks ago.…

Media union leader Rana Muhammad Azeem, secretary general of the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), received a death threat after exposing…

La Cour suprême du Burundi a condamné le 23 juin 2020 sept journalistes à des peines de prison à perpétuité pour avoir "fomenté un coup d'état contre…

Leaders of 50 journalists’ unions and associations in 34 European countries today called on their governments to intensify pressure and take action in…

Sri Lankan journalist Sujeewa Gamage, who was arrested by police for allegedly making 'false claims’ about his own abduction, was granted bail on…

A journalist working for state-owned newspaper ‘Al Wehda’ was detained for the second time in six months on 7 March, in an alleged defamation case.…

In certain parts of the world, the pandemic has boosted the unionization wave in digital media but also among freelance journalists, who are…

Ajay Lalwani, a reporter with Royal News TV and Daily Puchano died on March 18 after sustaining multiple gunshot wounds in an attack in Sindh…

Myanmar security agents detained two reporters, one from the BBC Burmese service and one from Mizzima News on March 19. The International Federation…

The IFJ today backed calls by its UK affiliate, the NUJ, on government ministers and all politicians to stop traducing journalists and media outlets…

The Palestinian Journalists Syndicate (PJS) has secured a financial aid package from the Palestinian authority for Palestinian local media and…

Several journalists were pushed, chased and assaulted by Samajwadi Party cadres and security personnel of Samajwadi Party leader, Akhilesh Yadav, at a…

China’s embassy in the United Kingdom has issued a letter to the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) critiquing its reporting on China and urging…