News and Press Releases

Greece's State Council today heard an appeal filed by media owners which would lead to the closure of the fund which provides healthcare and pensions…

L’Assemblée nationale du Burkina Faso a adopté le 21 juin une réforme du Code pénal qui prévoit jusqu’à dix années de prison pour la diffusion…

According to the Independent Association of Georgian Journalists (IAGJ), an IFJ affiliate, journalists were forcefully removed from the Georgian…

Journalist Vadym Komarov died in the early hours of 20th June, a few weeks after he was attacked and left in coma in May in the city of Cherkasy,…

Journalistes et techniciens du groupe algérien Médias Temps Nouveaux ont organisé mercredi 19 juin un sit-in en signe de protestation contre un plan…

El periodista brasileño Romario da Silva Barros fue asesinado la noche del martes 18 de junio en la localidad de Maricá. La Federación Internacional…

Voici un communiqué de presse publié conjointement mercredi 19 juin par nos affiliés français, le SNJ, le SNJ-CGT et CFDT-Journalistes.

Dai Zigeng, the former editor-in-chief of state media group Beijing News, was detained earlier this month for allegedly committing "serious violations…

[UPDATED, 1ST JULY] The government of Somaliland today ordered the suspension of two independent private TV stations Eryal and Horyaal. The…

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today joined the call for the release of Gaspar Matalaev, a Turkmen journalist working for…

On June 16, Sri Lankan journalist Kusal Perera was faced with charges for commenting on the development of religious rivalries after the April 21…

El Congreso de la Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP), reunido en Túnez del 10 al 14 de junio, aprobó hoy por unanimidad una moción instando…

Here is the list of the IFJ board including the 5 administrative committee members and the 16 advisers elected on 13th June 2019 as well as the list…

Today 254 IFJ delegates convening in Tunis for their World Congress elected Younes M’Jahed of Morocco as their new President.

IFJ World Congress meeting in Tunis from 11th to 14th June adopted a motion proposed by the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate (PJS) to condemn the…

Russian authorities detained on Wednesday 11 June hundreds of people, including at least 10 journalists, following a protest in Moscow in support of…