News and Press Releases

El organismo encargado de las comunicaciones del Poder Ejecutivo tildó de “planteamiento mediático" las denuncias de la Asociación de Periodistas de…

On 2 September, indigenous journalist Karl Dockstader was arrested and charged with criminal mischief after covering a Caledonia land dispute during…

China correspondents for the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) and the Australian Financial Review returned to Sydney on September 8 after…

Police arrested Somali radio journalists Khadar Awl Ismail and Abdiqani Ahmed Mohamed on 6 September for reporting the rape and murder of a woman. The…

On Monday 7 September, hearings for the extradition of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange to the United States will resume in the UK for at least three…

Cambodian authorities have prepared a decree allowing for the regulation of all web traffic to be routed through a ‘national internet gateway’ in an…

A court in Teheran sentenced journalist Mohammad Mosaed to four years and nine months in prison and banned him from any journalistic activity for two…

Jan Kuciak has been murdered again. Thursday’s verdict in the trial of the killers of Jan Kuciak and his fiancée Martina Kušnírová is like a new death…

El portal GGN publicó numerosas investigaciones periodísticas firmadas que dan cuenta de un posible desvío de dinero a un banco vinculado al ministro…

A crowd stormed and burned down Iraqi broadcaster Dijlah TV's headquarters in Baghdad on September 1, as protesters accused the station of…

The Covid-19 pandemic has exacerbated challenges faced by media workers and journalists in Malaysia, according to a new report released today by the…

The Myanmar Telecommunications Ministry blocked the website for activist group Justice for Myanmar on September 1 for publishing information the…

Hong Kong authorities have denied the work visa of an editor for Hong Kong Free Press. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) rejects the…

Cartoonist Emad Hajjaj was arrested on Wednesday August 26 for "disturbing relations with a sister country” in a cartoon. The International Federation…

The Somali government has passed an amend of Somalia's Media Law that fails to comply with international standards on press freedom and freedom of…

The offices of Canal de Mocambique were attacked and set alight by unknown individuals around 8:00 pm on Sunday, 23 August, burning office equipment,…