News and Press Releases

IFJ in the news

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is…

Broadcast journalist Jyotiranjan Mohapatra sustained serious injuries after an attack by four people riding motorcycles in the eastern Odisha state on…

London-based reporter Clare Rewcastle Brown has been sentenced in absentia to two years in prison after being found guilty of criminal defamation…

On February 5, a Chinese court sentenced Australian blogger, academic, and pro-democracy activist Dr Yang Hengjun to a suspended death sentence,…

As the death toll among Gaza’s journalists climbs, media workers from the enclave have spoken about their dreams of a return to life without bullets,…

Journalists Wong Ka-ho and Ma Kai-chung have been found guilty by a Hong Kong court of unlawfully entering the city’s legislative council on July 1,…

Según datos del Sindicato de Prensa de Buenos Aires (SiPreBA) y la Federación Argentina de Trabajadorxs de Prensa (FATPREN), al menos 25 periodistas y…

Pakistan’s Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) has issued summons for 47 journalists and YouTubers, with authorities to question the media figures on…

Según el informe “Violencia contra periodistas y libertad de prensa en Brasil” que elabora la Federação Nacional dos Jornalistas (FENAJ), durante 2023…

Continuing its crackdown on independent media in 2024, three journalists were detained by the Taliban’s intelligence agency over two days in Kabul.…

Ocurrió durante la tarde del 24 de enero, cuando un grupo de sicarios dispararon al periodista Mardonio Mejía en su casa en el departamento de Sucre,…

Members of the Media, Entertainment, and Arts Alliance (MEAA) at the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) have passed a vote of no confidence…

La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) y la Federación de Periodistas de América Latina y el Caribe (FEPALC) expresan su repudio ante el…

La Asociación Nacional de Periodistas del Perú (ANP) publicó su informe anual de agresiones a periodistas y trabajadorxs de los medios de comunicación…

Furkan Karabay, editor for the independent news website Gerçek Gündem (“The Real Agenda”), was taken into custody by the Istanbul police on 28…

120 journalists and media workers, including 11 women, have been killed in 2023, announced the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) on 31…