News and Press Releases

La noche del lunes 7 de febrero, Givanildo Oliveira, administrador del canal virtual de noticias Pirambu News, fue atacado por una persona que le…

Sincha Dimara, one of Papua New Guinea’s longest-serving journalists and Head of News and Current Affairs at EMTV, was suspended for three weeks…

El comunicador de 39 años falleció tras recibir al menos cinco tiros mientras se encontraba en su estudio de grabación con su hijo. Con este crimen,…

Según confirmó la Secretaría de Seguridad y Protección Ciudadana (SSPC) en una conferencia de prensa, durante la madrugada del miércoles fueron…

The International Federation of Journalists remains gravely concerned at the rapid collapse of Hong Kong’s free media since the National Security…

21 journalists and media workers lost their lives during 2021 in the Asia Pacific region, accounting for almost half of all journalist killings…

The International Federation of Journalists has today published the most comprehensive report on journalists and media staff killed in work-related…

Fahad Shah, founder and editor of local news portal The Kashmir Walla, has been detained under India’s sedition and anti-terror laws for allegedly…

A Dutch reporter was interrupted by Chinese security officials while reporting live on the Winter Olympic Games in Beijing. The International…

Marco Ernesto Islas Flores fue atacado con armas de fuego en la puerta de su casa en la madrugada del domingo 6 de febrero. El crimen fue confirmado…

Four Yemeni journalists have been detained by the Ansar Allah in Sana’a, Yemen, since 2015, and are now on the death row after being condemned for…

The Russian authorities have moved to shut down Deutsche Welle’s Moscow office, ban the station from broadcasting in the country and cancel the press…

Un hombre intentó dispararle a Netzahualcóyotl Cordero García, director general del portal CGNoticias, pero su arma se encasquilló y al intentar…

Hundreds of media in Afghanistan have been forced to close due to economic collapse, threats and draconian reporting restrictions since the Taliban…

A dozen employees at the BBC Istanbul bureau, supported by the Journalists’ Union of Turkey (TGS), have finally seen their demands met on 28 January…

China risks damaging its own international image by restricting reporting by resident foreign correspondents, a new report by the International…