News and Press Releases

El Órgano Ejecutivo y la Asamblea Legislativa presentaron ayer una serie de reformas a la Ley de Proscripción a las Pandillas y al Código Penal que…

The recent decision of the Taliban regime to block the broadcast of international media has been a major blow for press freedom and public access to…

The trial behind closed doors of Russian journalist Ivan Safronov opened at a court in Moscow where he is accused of "high treason" for allegedly…

Al menos ocho trabajadorxs de prensa fueron agredidos en las coberturas de la jornada nacional de protesta desarrollada el lunes 4 de abril, según los…

Lithuanian documentary film-maker Mantas Kvedaravicius was killed in Mariupol, Ukraine, by Russian forces on Saturday 2 April as he attempted to leave…

Ukrainian photojournalist Maks Levin who went missing since 13 March while documenting the Russian invasion of Ukraine near the capital, Kyiv, has…

Un grupo armado amedrentó a periodistas del periódico El Universal y a activistas mientras documentaban la extracción de recursos naturales en el…

On March 27, journalist Zahid Sharif Rana was attacked by ten men in the Bakhar region of Pakistan’s Punjab province. The International Federation of…

Tunisian public media workers will go on strike on April 2 in protest against shrinking press freedoms and attempts by President Kaïs Saied and his…

At least four news broadcasters have been taken off air, eight media workers arrested, and two media houses shuttered by the Taliban since March 26,…

Workers of public service broadcaster BHRT in Bosnia and Herzegovina, staged a protest on 28 March against the organisation's "systematic destruction"…

The editor of the Russian newspaper Novaya Gazeta Dmitry Muratov, one of last year's Nobel Peace Prize winners, has announced that the newspaper's…

New research by the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) reveals that Beijing had stepped up its efforts to influence international…

Australian journalist Cheng Lei will be tried in Beijing on March 31 after being detained for 19 months on national security charges. The…

The Journalists' Union of the Athens Daily Newspapers (JUADN), in collaboration with the Unified Organisation of Journalists for Insurance and Health…

Junta courts in Myanmar have sentenced three journalists, Hanthar Nyein, Than Htike Aung and Ye Yint Tun, to two years in prison each for allegedly…