News and Press Releases

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has joined today several human rights and freedom of speech organisations to condemn the judicial…

Lxs periodistas Paola Ugaz y Pedro Salinas enfrentan actualmente procesos judiciales en su contra como represalia de una investigación periodística en…

Sans explication ni notification officielle, les autorités algériennes ont expulsé mardi 9 avril le directeur de l’Agence France-Presse (AFP) en…

Premises of TV Channel Belsat were searched on April 9 by the Investigative Committee of Belarus as part of a criminal investigation of a defamation…

The Hungarian Embassy in Ljubljana complained to Slovenia's Foreign Ministry after the weekly Mladina published a story it disliked. The International…

The former leader of Jamaat-e-Islami’s (JI), an Islamist political party in Pakistan, issued a fatwa on April 8, promoting the killing of journalists…

The Manipur High Court has ordered the release of Indian journalist Kishorchandra Wangkhem following his detention on November 21, 2018 under the…

Voice TV host has been charged with defamation following the channel’s broadcast of the general election on March 24. The International Federation of…

Karachi cameraperson Ali Mubashir was abducted near his office on April 1. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemned the abducted…

The International Federation of Journalists (IJF) today expressed serious concerns over the new Russian law on "fake" news and the "lack of respect…

Pakistani authorities took Channel 24 News and its sister channels offline following a report about Prime Minister Imran Khan. The International…

Fiji Prime Minister, Frank Bainimarama, ordered the release of three New Zealand journalists after they were arrested and detained overnight in Suva…

Sri Lankan artist and writer, Shaktika Sathkumara was arrested on April 3, after posting a short story on Facebook. The International Federation of…

Depuis le 27 mars, les journalistes de la radio tunisienne, Shems FM, organisent des sit-in et portent un brassard rouge car ils contestent l’opacité…

On 29th March the Burundi government suspended the BBC World Service from operating and extended Voice of America’s (VOA) suspension. The…

The office of the Director of Press and Public Relations at State House has abandoned plans to allow Security Intelligence Agency (SIS) agents to vet…