News and Press Releases

The International and European Federations of Journalists (EFJ/IFJ) are extremely concerned by violence against journalists during the protests…

Covering a year of unrest marked by anti-extradition bill protests in June 2019, a pandemic and the National Security Law, the Hong Kong Journalists…

Russian security forces arrested former journalist and current adviser of the head of the Russian space agency Ivan Safronov on 7 July on charges of…

Police opened an investigation into a documentary produced by Al Jazeera, broadcasted on July 3, which focused on how Malaysian authorities treat…

South China Morning Post correspondent Tashny Sukumaran, who was questioned in May 2020 over her social media posts, has been summoned again for her…

Radio journalist Svetlana Prokopyeva has been found guilty of "justifying terrorism" and fined 500,000 rubles (around 6.000 €) over a column she wrote…

Rana Ayyub's social media profiles have been flooded with rape and death threats after she wrote posts about a Kashmiri victim killed by the Indian…

Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte signed the widely criticised anti-terror bill endangering freedom of expression in the Philippines. The…

Malaysia’s Federal Court will hear the substantive contempt arguments against online news portal Malaysiakini and its editor-in-chief Steven Gan on…

Croatian Prime minister Andrej Plenkovic accused journalists' union leader Maja Sever of collaborating with his political opponent ahead of a…

A Turkish court has requested on 9 March the extradition of a Turkish journalist who is living in exile in Sweden for allegedly insulting two officers…

Following China passing the controversial National Security Law for Hong Kong, a number of reporters were struck by police with tear gas and water…

Contempt proceedings against Malaysiakini, a leading Malaysian independent media outlet, and its editor-in-chief Steven Gan will be heard today at the…

The National Telecommunications Commission (NTC) on June 30 ordered the independent ABS-CBN broadcaster to stop its digital broadcast on TVPlus in…

On the June 29, journalist Hofe Dada was confronted and assaulted while filming a piece on pollution levels at a factory in Aruachal Pradesh. The…

The controversial national security law for Hong Kong passed in Beijing today, sparking fears that the freedoms enjoyed by the semi-autonomous region…