News and Press Releases

Les forces de police ont arrêté un journaliste travaillant pour la chaîne de télévision Zitouna le 3 octobre. Cette action s'inscrit dans une série…

After awaiting trial for over four months in Yangon’s Insein prison on charges of sedition American journalist Danny Fenster was charged with a…

Research by the Afghanistan National Journalists Union (ANJU) sheds light on the grave situation facing journalists and media workers since the…

A casi dos años de la muerte del comunicador, su familia junto a organizaciones de derechos humanos lanzaron hoy una campaña internacional en reclamo…

South Korea’s National Assembly, in which the ruling Democratic Party holds a majority, has backed down on the amendment bill of the Press Arbitration…

The World Association of News Publishers (WAN-IFRA), the International Publishers Association (IPA), and the International Federation of Journalists…

Over seven weeks since the capture of Kabul by the Taliban, and the subsequent evacuation of western troops from the city, many journalists with close…

The so-called Foreign Interference Countermeasures Act (FICA) has been passed by Singapore’s parliament on October 4, with the new legislation…

Prominent Afghan journalist and author Sayed Maroof Sadat, a former government spokesperson and an affiliate of radio ‘Sub Bakhair and Sham Bakhai’,…

Youn Chhiv, journalist and owner of website Koh Kong Hot News, was sentenced to a years imprisonment on September 30 for incitement under Cambodia’s…

Since 12 August, the International Federation of Journalists, many of its affiliates and other international organisations, have received thousands of…

El fotoperiodista Albert Garcia fue detenido el 18 de octubre de 2019 en la plaza Urquinaona mientras cubría para El País la manifestación a raíz de…

Changing everything to change nothing. This could be the name of the cynical communication strategy of the new Taliban government in Afghanistan.

Radio stations Adeniya FM and Bandar Aden were suspended after police raided their headquarters in Mansourah, Aden governorate, on 27 September.…

On 30 September, the Zimbabwean police arrested and held for two hours nine journalists covering a public demonstration in Harare. The International…

Public service media companies and international organisations have signed the Brussels Declaration on September 30, 2021, a statement for journalist…