News and Press Releases

Lao blogger Houayheuang Xayabouly, known by her nickname Mouay, was detained in 2019 for criticising the region’s government for the mishandling of…

Journalist Jobert “Polpog” Bercasio was shot dead as he was riding a scooter in Sorgoson City, Sorgoson, Luzon on the evening of September 14. The…

La Cour d'appel d'Alger a condamné le 15 septembre le journaliste Khaled Drareni à deux ans de prison ferme pour avoir couvert les manifestations…

A raíz de el proceso de destitución que el Congreso peruano está conduciendo contra el presidente Martín Vizcarra, la Federación Internacional de…

Ante las denuncias de la organización por ataques digitales y censura por parte del gobierno salvadoreño, el presidente del país respondió con una…

El reportero Sonny Figuera publicó el pasado lunes 9 una investigación sobre esa entidad y a los dos días fue detenido por la policía, quien lo liberó…

The South Sulawesi water and police unit have arrested three student journalists in Makassar while they were covering a protest to reject sand mining… journalist Cakrayuni Nuralam has been targeted by doxing attacks following an article in which the newsroom tried to verify connections…

On September 9, security forces arrested journalist Islam Al-Kalhi while he was covering the al-Moneeb protests sparked by the killing of a young man…

“If you criminalise news gathering, you are criminalising journalism. It is a moral duty for journalists to protect sources. Many have gone to jail…

It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of our former colleague, Bettina Peters, in London this morning.

On 8 September, a member of the Armenian National Assembly brought forward a legislative proposal on insult and defamation that aims to increase fines…

“If you criminalise news gathering, you are criminalising journalism. It is a moral duty for journalists to protect sources. Many have gone to jail to…

Malaysia's media reform trajectory has been stymied by political change and increased violations against media workers, according to an international…

On 7 September, a Saudi court has issued a final verdict in the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, commuting the convicts’ previous death…

A series of assaults against local journalists has occurred in different cities in the country, ranging from verbal attacks to physical assault. The…