News and Press Releases

On 8 November, the Press supervisory board of the Islamic Republic of Iran banned the publication and revoked the license of Kelid newspaper after it…

A journalist’s dead body was found on 12 November, a month after he went missing in Abuja, the capital city of Nigeria. The International Federation…

Hamid Saighani, a prominent journalist for Ariana television network, was killed in a bomb blast on a minibus in western Kabul on November 13. The…

On November 14, the Sudanese authorities arrested the bureau chief of Al Jazeera in his home in Khartoum. The International Federation of Journalists…

Las autoridades cubanas retiraron el domingo 14 de noviembre las credenciales de prensa de los/as reporteros/as de la agencia española de noticias EFE…

The Hong Kong government has refused to renew the employment visa of one of the Economist correspondents in the city without giving a reason,…

On November 1, Myanmar’s military junta introduced a series of amendments to broaden the remit of the nation's Broadcasting Law to potentially include…

The investigation on the use of NSO Group’s software to spy on journalists and human rights defenders took a big step forward after identifying Juan…

In letters adressed to Yemeni Prime Minister Maeen Abdulmalik Saeed and Ansar Allah Leader Mr. Abdul-Malik al-Houthi on November 11, the International…

On November 9, a pregnant journalist was killed in a car blast in Aden on her way to the hospital to give birth. Her husband, also a journalist, was…

Foreign correspondents and journalists in Hong Kong have expressed “widespread concern” about the “fake news” law that the city’s authorities have…

Chinese journalist and former lawyer Zhang Zhan is reportedly suffering rapidly deteriorating health following over one year of an intermittent hunger…

Casi un centenar de periodistas fueron despedidxs tras el cierre del periódico Novedades Acapulco. Los directivos de la empresa les están negando las…

International coverage of the Winter Olympic Games in Beijing is being “continuously stymied” despite efforts to address the issue with the Beijing…

Amnesty International announced on October 25 it would close its Hong Kong base, citing the National Security Law, the imposition of which has led to…

The National Union of Journalists (NUJ) reports on a UK government survey findings on journalists' safety at work.