News and Press Releases

Two Iranian journalists working for Radio Farda were fired in a disagreement over editorial issues and for raising concerns with management over the…

Depuis le 27 mars, les journalistes de la radio tunisienne, Shems FM, organisent des sit-in et portent un brassard rouge car ils contestent l’opacité…

The International Federation of Journalists, together with a number of other organisations, is launching the News Organisations Safety…

Journalists unions from across the Arab World meeting in parallel with the League of Arab States (LAS) Summit in Tunis have called on the region’s…

"The future of journalism in the digital era” will be the theme of the 30th IFJ World Congress, meeting in Tunis (Tunisia) from June 11th-14th 2019.

Reconciliation and the fight against impunity will be key themes at the IFJ Congress in Tunis, which is on the horizon. With it comes the end of my…

Representatives from governments in every continent today joined the IFJ, journalists unions, editors groups, public broadcasters and media…

Forty-two journalists have been targeted by Hamas forces in the past five days while covering street protests against falling living standards in the…

The IFJ has welcomed today's historic vote of the European Parliament to call for an end to the harassment and persecution of BBC Persian journalists…

On the International Women’s Day, media organisations call upon all media leaders around the globe to stand up and protect the rights of female…

The International Federation of Journalists is looking for four media development experts to conduct a mapping of current trends in the media sector,…

To mark International Women's Day on 8 March, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has issued a rallying cry to media and union leaders…

10 Yemeni journalists abducted by Ansar Allah (Houthis) since June 2015 have been sent to face a specialised terrorism court.

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today releases its 29th report on journalists and media staff  killed in the course of their duties…

Ziad al-Sharaabi, a cameraman working for Abu Dhabi TV, was killed in a bomb attack on Monday in a restaurant located in Yemen’s port city of Mokha.…

Seven journalists and media staff working for local television NRT were attacked and detained for several hours on Saturday, January 26, while…