News and Press Releases

Iranian censors have shut down Jahan Sanaat newspaper after it reported the comments of a health professional about the real number of Coronavirus…

A court in Algeria sentenced journalist Khaled Drareni to three years in prison on 10 August after he had reported on the anti-government…

UPDATE - 14.19 CEST - Lebanese journalists union says 17 journalists have been injured, 3 seriously.

Le journaliste Taoufik Ben Brik  a été condamné le 23 juillet à un an de prison ferme. La Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ) soutient…

Une proposition de loi sur les médias actuellement en discussion au parlement libanais pourrait exclure les médias électroniques de son champ…

Une proposition de loi sur les médias actuellement en discussion au parlement libanais pourrait exclure les médias électroniques de son champ…

On 24 July, nine Global unions Federations (GUF) - including the IFJ - have publicly declared their support for the Algerian union movement, which is…

More than half of women journalists have experienced increased gender inequalities due to COVID-19, according to a new survey conducted by…

Journalist Mohamed Mounir died on 15 July after contracting Covid-19 in jail, where he had spent a month after his arrest on 15 June. The…

After years of resisting demands to pay for news, Google said in a surprise announcement on 25 June it had reached  deals with a number of news…

Turkish authorities have told Iranian journalists Arash Yavari and his wife Masoomeh Hatamkhani, who is also a journalist, to leave the country and go…

Yemeni journalists have suffered numerous press freedom violations ranging from killings, torture and kidnapping to threats, attacks on media…

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and dozens of press freedom, human rights, and privacy rights organizations across five continents…

UPDATED 3.07.2020 A news anchorwoman has been the target of a smear campaign on Facebook since 21 June. The IFJ joins its affiliate the Palestinian…

Experienced reporter and Yemeni Journalists Syndicate (YJS) board member Nabil Al Osaidi has repeatedly received phone call threats over the past few…

Egyptian journalist and human rights advocate Nora Younis was arrested on 24 June by security forces for running an unlicensed website. The IFJ calls…