News and Press Releases

Despite unprecedented challenges facing the media industry, journalists unions have succeeded in winning higher pay, saving jobs and securing new…

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and French affiliates –SNJ and CFDT – have backed workers striking for fair pay at the Cairo office…

Prominent Yemeni journalist Yahya Abdulraqeeb al-Jubeihi, jailed and sentenced to death last year by Houthi authorities, was released and pardoned on…

IFJ In The News

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is…

Dr. Orouba Barakat and daughter Hala Barakat were murdered in their Istanbul apartment last night, Thursday 22 September. The IFJ strongly condemned…

The IFJ has called on the Yemeni government to “accept its responsibility” as the UN’s leading human rights body condemned the huge toll of deaths,…

Two Iranian journalists have been imprisoned since August on charges of “acting against national security”. The IFJ joined its affiliate the…

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has strongly condemned yesterday’s announcement by the Israeli government to close Al Jazeera’s…

A Russia Today (RT) correspondent was killed and a cameraman injured in a rocket attack by the Islamic State (IS) militants on Sunday 30 July in Homs…