News and Press Releases

La Federación Internacional de Periodistas apoya las medidas orientadas a ampliar y democratizar el acceso a Internet en beneficio de la educación en…

UPDATED 24 JULY Independent news website has told its readers that the site’s staff and the whole newsroom were in danger due to “external…

IFJ affiliates around the world have taken key actions in support of media workers amid the Covid-19 pandemic.

A group of local and international freedom of media organizations wrote a joint letter to Press Advertising Agency (BİK) on 16 March 2020, calling for…

El pasado miércoles 22 de enero, el grupo mediático El Mercurio retomó su plan de despidos, ahora desvinculando a 50 trabajadorxs de sus distintos…

Syrian Kurdish journalist Hamberfan Kosah has been held under arrest without explicit and public charges in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) airport since…

A report from the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) has found that the rise of Google, Facebook and similar businesses is a threat…

Palestinian Prime Minister, Mohammad Shtayyeh, today committed to work on improving journalists’ safety and fighting against impunity following a…

Journalists unions from across the Arab World meeting in parallel with the League of Arab States (LAS) Summit in Tunis have called on the region’s…

Several journalist groups in Malaysia have come together to urge thorough consultation on the establishment of a press council in Malaysia. The…

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly criticises the decision by the National Broadcasting and Communication Commission Thailand…

El 6 de diciembre se aprobó en Diputados la media sanción de un proyecto que busca desregular la fabricación y comercialización de pasta celulosa y…

The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) join their affiliates in Hungary, HPU and MUOSZ, in calling on Hungarian…

Press freedom is derived from the fundamental human right to freedom of expression and is the foundation of a free and democratic society. Writes…