News and Press Releases

Sri Lanka’s government has transferred police inspector Nishantha Silva, who was investigating several major investigations into attacks on…

Following the dismissal of Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s (ABC) managing director and the resignation of the chairman in September 2018,…

La empresa a cargo presentó un preventivo de crisis para despedir a 167 trabajadorxs y el pago de 50% de las indemnizaciones. La Federación…

‘Unions need to shape the future for digital journalism’ was the message emerging from a two day workshop with union leaders and digital media…

Lxs trabajadorxs de la Agencia Nacional de Noticias Télam decidieron levantar el paro de actividades luego de 116 días de lucha tras las…

El juzgado nacional del trabajo nº 22 ha vuelto a considerar que el plan, que supuso el despido de hasta 357 trabajadorxs de la agencia el pasado mes…

The news editor for National Media Group (GMN) in Timor Leste was dismissed on September 27 due to his role as the Timor Leste Press Union (TLPU)…

This year the IFJ will celebrate World Day for Decent Work (WDDW) on 7th October by highlighting the work of unions in winning equality for all at…

The European Parliament today overwhelmingly approved the Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market (DSM) - a major step forward in…

Investigative journalists Trevor Birney and Barry McCaffrey were arrested on the morning of 31 August after police search was held in their houses and…

The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) today reiterated their support for the adoption of the Directive on Copyright…

El tribunal de apelaciones de Argentina ratificó su decisión de anular los despidos ejecutados por el directorio de la agencia de noticias Télam…

The IFJ has welcomed a call by the United States National Writers Union to enhance protection for, and end discrimination against, women journalists…

The IFJ has warmly welcomed ideas put forward by UK Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn to raise funds to support investigative and public service media…

On August 13, journalists at Thrillist, a New York-based food and culture digital magazine, voted to strike to demand “living wages”. The IFJ fully…

Leading Australian media companies Fairfax and Nine announced a $4 billion merger, resulting in a new conglomerate under the name Nine. The…