News and Press Releases

There were 138 violations of media and journalists' rights during 2020 in Iraqi Kurdistan, including arbitrary arrests and physical attacks, a new…

Global Unions have expressed alarm and strong indignation at Saudi Arabia’s State Prosecutor’s decision to seek the maximum jail sentence for women’s…

On the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and girls on 25 November, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and…

The Los Angeles Times and Tribune Publishing have agreed to pay US$3 million to settle a lawsuit over unequal pay for journalists of Color and women…

The IFJ's Gender Council adopted the following declaration at its online mid-term meeting on 27 October 2020.

To facilitate the reconciliation of family and professional life media companies should offer media workers flexible working arrangements and set up…

The Cambodian Ministry of Information plans to propose an additional clause to the current press law to protect against the harassment of female…

It’s International Coming Out Day! In celebration, the Council of Global Unions, including the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is…

“A big TV cannon comes over to me and tells me that if I do not suck his cock, then he will ruin my career. I said no.” It is the 26th of August, TV…

According to a recent survey conducted by the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) more than half of women journalists have experienced…

Nearly 17 months since a senior female Maldivian editor was allegedly sexually harassed by an officer in the Maldives presidential communications…

More than half of women journalists have experienced increased gender inequalities due to COVID-19, according to a new survey conducted by…

In a bid to eradicate sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV), the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) organised in Mogadishu a three-day…

Rana Ayyub's social media profiles have been flooded with rape and death threats after she wrote posts about a Kashmiri victim killed by the Indian…

UPDATED 3.07.2020 A news anchorwoman has been the target of a smear campaign on Facebook since 21 June. The IFJ joins its affiliate the Palestinian…