News and Press Releases

Ukrainian media workers face dangerous working conditions despite recent improvement through cooperation agreements with law enforcement agencies, the…

Las autoridades cubanas retiraron el domingo 14 de noviembre las credenciales de prensa de los/as reporteros/as de la agencia española de noticias EFE…

After its liquidation by the Supreme Court in August 2021, the Belarusian Association of Journalists' (BAJ) website is now blocked for users in…

The National Union of Journalists (NUJ) reports on a UK government survey findings on journalists' safety at work.

The Belarusian government has blocked access to Deutsche Welle’s website as well as other foreign news portals. The International Federation of…

In a letter adressed to Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti Armend on November 4, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has urged the…

On October 29, three journalists from Finland’s largest national daily Helsingin Sanomat were charged with “attempted disclosure of a security secret”…

Impunity: Kosovo

Kosovo: Disappeared journalists’ cases still unsolved

Leading journalists will explain how they conducted major investigations, the tools they use, the ethical considerations, the challenges and threats…

Logo Novy Chas

Staff members of the Belarusian political weekly newspaper Novy Chas were searched by the authorities, temporarily detained and interrogated on 19 and…

On 5 October 2021, a new law went into effect in Armenia, raising the maximum threshold for “insults” and “defamation” fines by three times their…

UNESCO and the International Federation of Journalists cordially invite you to participate in the Global Conference on Improving the Protection,…

La jueza María Cristina Díaz ha exigido al diario español que revele en el plazo de diez días quién les informó de la lista de bienes que…

Tensions increased in the Northern part of Kosovo after police undertook an anti-smuggling operation in Mitrovica on 13 October. Several journalists…

Filipino and Russian journalists, Maria Ressa and Dmitry Muratov, were today announced as the winners of this year's Nobel Peace Prize for "their…

Leading investigative journalists and newsroom managers from across Europe will share their experiences, tips and how to tackle the challenges faced…