News and Press Releases

A coalition of global unions, representing nearly 21 million workers worldwide, is launching a campaign today to save print journalism. UNI Global…

In 3 May 1972, Daniel Ellsberg spoke at a peace rally in Washington DC. It was a year since he had leaked the Pentagon Papers to the New York Times…

On September 17, 2000, a well-known Ukrainian journalist and founder of popular Ukrainian online newspaper Ukrayinska Pravda, Georgiy Gongadze, was…

The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ/EFJ), respectively the world’s and Europe’s largest journalists’ organisations,…

“If you criminalise news gathering, you are criminalising journalism. It is a moral duty for journalists to protect sources. Many have gone to jail…

On 8 September, a member of the Armenian National Assembly brought forward a legislative proposal on insult and defamation that aims to increase fines…

“If you criminalise news gathering, you are criminalising journalism. It is a moral duty for journalists to protect sources. Many have gone to jail to…

On Monday 7 September, hearings for the extradition of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange to the United States will resume in the UK for at least three…

Several journalists were injured during clashes between police and demonstrators on 2 September in Sofia, Bulgaria. The International and European…

Jan Kuciak has been murdered again. Thursday’s verdict in the trial of the killers of Jan Kuciak and his fiancée Martina Kušnírová is like a new death…

After the arbitrary detention of 50 journalists on 27 August, Belarusian authorities have withdrawn at least 17 foreign journalists' press…

Members of the National Union of Journalists (NUJ) working for Bullivant Media walked out on strike on 25 August to defend quality journalism, oppose…

A Danish journalist making a documentary on indigenous resistance against a controversial pipeline was denied entry to Canada by border officials…

The Belarusian authorities have blocked access to several media websites and disrupted print media circulation, claiming that there are problems with…

The Covid-19 pandemic has worsened the press freedom situation in countries such as China, Russia, and Turkey, where authorities have used it as a…

A group of Ukrainian investigative journalists is being subjected to a campaign of harassment and intimidation, including surveillance and arson…