News and Press Releases

El fotoperiodista Albert Garcia fue detenido el 18 de octubre de 2019 en la plaza Urquinaona mientras cubría para El País la manifestación a raíz de…

Public service media companies and international organisations have signed the Brussels Declaration on September 30, 2021, a statement for journalist…

Twenty years after the murder of investigative journalist Martin O’Hagan, who was shot dead in Lurgan, Northern Ireland, by the paramilitary Loyalist…

Vice-President of the European Commission Vera Jourova presented a Recommendation ‘on ensuring the safety of journalists’ on 16 September 2021. The…

Webinar speakers

The IFJ hosted the IFJ-ILO webinar on Reporting migration and forced labour- A European perspective on 14 September, which focused on why do so few…

Police summoned Le Média journalist Thomas Dietrich to Puteaux police station (Paris), where he was interrogated for two hours over a recent…

In recent days, several Maltese journalists and media outlets have been victims of online spoofing in what appears to be a major campaign to spread…

The Belarus Supreme Court dissolved on 27 August the Belarusian Association of Journalists (BAJ), the only independent representative organisation of…

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyj last week banned the opposition media news site and imposed sanctions on its editor-in-chief, Ihor…

The threat of extradition grew for Julian Assange yesterday as a judge ruled that the US could expand the basis of its appeal.

The Polish parliament is discussing measures to ban non-European owners from controlling more than a 49% stake in Polish media companies. The move,…

The preliminary hearing of the US government's appeal against the decision not to extradite journalist Julian Assange started on 11 August at the High…

Ivan Safronov, a former journalist imprisoned since 7 July 2020 on charges of "high treason", has been facing harsher conditions since the publication…

Turkey's Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTÜK) has threatened broadcasters with sanctions if they are found to have covered wildfires raging…

An independent inquiry into the murder of journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia published on 29 July found that the Maltese state bears responsibility for…

A court in Gomel, Belarus, declared on 27 July that the news website and social networks of the independent Polish channel Belsat TV were to be…