News and Press Releases

Australia’s media worker union has made a submission to an Australian Government inquiry raising concerns over potential impacts of generative…

Freelance journalist Tharindu Uduwaragedara was detained and assaulted by police while reporting on a union-led protest in Colombo on July 28. The IFJ…

Broadcast journalist Irfanullah Bidar has been released following his arrest by the Taliban’s General Directorate of Intelligence (GDI) in Jalalabad,…

A media amendment bill, that significantly expands the country’s existing media regulatory legislation, was unanimously tabled by the country’s…

A Channel 13 media worker and Sangu News journalist have been physically assaulted by Maldivian police while covering an opposition protest in Malé’s…

A number of Cambodia’s few remaining independent media outlets have been restricted and journalists reporting in the country are facing credible…

Three San Juanico TV reporters were harassed by two off-duty police officers and allegedly shot at by an unknown party while covering a land dispute…

Myanmar’s military has threatened legal action against independent media outlets Democratic Voice of Burma and Mizzima, demanding the shuttered…

On July 1, journalist Shivam Arya was abducted, stabbed, and shot twice by unknown assailants before managing to escape in the central Indian state of…

Joshua Abiad, a photojournalist for Remate Online, has suffered serious injuries after being shot by unidentified assailants while driving in Quezon…

Nepali journalists and media workers have been subjected to a series of media rights violations in June by criminal groups, media outlet leadership,…

Exiled Afghan journalist Mohammad Tahir Sadid has been detained in Islamabad by local police, with some reports alleging a ransom was elicited for his…

The body of journalist Abdur Rauf Alamgir has been found floating in a river in the Indian state of Assam on June 26, after reports emerged of his…

Journalist Reza Shahir was reportedly detained by the Taliban for two days while returning to Afghanistan from Iran to renew his passport. The…

In an important win for regional journalists in the Philippines, the National Labour Relations Commission (NLRC) of the Philippines has ordered…

Myanmar’s military junta has arbitrarily revoked the license of independent media outlet The Ayeyarwaddy Times in its latest crackdown on dissent. The…