Promoting Labour Rights, Gender Equality and Freedom of Association in Pakistan’s Media

In the face of increasingly precarious and deteriorating work conditions for journalists and media industry in Pakistan, the need to protect, uphold and advocate for the rights of all journalists is critical. 

This project is led by the International Federation of Journalists (WMFP) in partnership with the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), the Women’s Media Forum Pakistan (WMFP) and a collection of regional media unions and collectives. The project continues the IFJ's work to strengthen the capacity of the media and its collectives to defend professional and labour rights, as well as promote and defend the participation of women in media unions, press clubs, and support efforts for gender equality in Pakistan's media.

Key activities:

  • Union organising Training of Trainers, followed by sessions organised by attendees in regional unions
  • Advocacy and materials, including Labour Rights resources, South Asia Press Freedom Report, and Labour Rights Bulletins
  • Institutional evaluation and assessment of national and regional media unions and union strengthening program
  • Establishment of “Women in Media” leadership taskforce, and regional chapters

Location: Pakistan

Dates: February 2024 - January 2025

This project is funded by the National Endowment for Democracy

  • Organising Media Workers
  • Union Building and Strengthening
  • Women in Media
  • Journalist Training and Skills Development
  • Monitoring Media and Labour Rights
  • Lobbying and Law Reform
  • Alliance Building
  • Dual online and offline organizing for media workers.
  • Digital campaigns for labour rights awareness.
  • Resources provision through digital means.
  • Research on challenges facing media workers in Pakistan.
  • Strategic planning for union improvement and growth.
  • Constitutional reviews for robust, inclusive structures.
  • Support in union registration and funding for activities.
  • Regional networking for union collaboration and knowledge-sharing.
  • Leadership program for member’s growth and young leadership development.
  • Initiatives for women journalists to connect and advocate for gender equality.
  • Mapping exercises to identify barriers for women in media.
  • Development of targeted gender programs and dialogues.
  • Engagement with press clubs for gender inclusion.
  • Online engagements to amplify women journalists' voices on digital platforms.
  • Training programs on leadership, organizing, and gender empowerment for journalists.
  • Equipping journalists with skills to navigate the media landscape.
  • Providing mentoring opportunities for professional development.
  • Encourage & Support female journalists to play a key role in the media industry.
  • Conducting regular reviews of laws on press freedom and labour rights.
  • Producing labour bulletins on relevant developments.
  • Conducting research on labour rights issues in the Sindh region.
  • Publishing an annual press freedom report.
  • Conducting rapid reviews of Pakistani labour laws in collaboration with law experts and journalists' unions.
  • Conducting reviews of labour rights legislation for reform areas.
  • Advocating for policy changes to enhance media workers' conditions.
  • Engaging media stakeholders and policymakers for advocacy.
  • Focusing on Sindh: lobbying with freelance journalists and unions.
  • Engaging policymakers for meaningful reforms.
  • Collaboration with civil society organisations to form labour and gender media networks.
  • Aim to foster solidarity and collective action within the networks.
  • Strengthen advocacy efforts through building alliances.
  • Amplify the voices of media workers by partnering with civil society organisations.