El lunes 8 de febrero, los periodistas Jean Ril Meus y Destiné Alvarez fueron baleados por fuerzas militares mientras se encontraban cubriendo una…

Ethiopian freelance journalist Lucy Kassa was attacked at her home in Addis Ababa on 8 February by three unidentified armed men in plain clothes who…

Incidents of violence and restrictions towards journalists and media workers covering protests in Myanmar have been documented, as hundreds of…

When the first cases of a novel pneumonia were reported in the Chinese city of Wuhan in late 2019, few could have imagined the mass consequences of a…

Bangladesh police this week formally charged three journalists under the Digital Security Act (DSA) for publishing material alleged to have the…

The Colombian Federation of Journalists (FECOLPER) has exposed a sharply worsening human rights situation for journalists, a crisis exacerbated by the…

El periodista Edgar Leyva Mendoza, director del medio informativo Urbano 24 horas de Veracruz, fue víctima entre el 3 y el 10 de febrero de dos…

State-TV journalist Hala Al-Jarf was detained on January 23 in the centre-west city of Salamaniyah, accused of “spreading disinformation and…

On February 7, the Hong Kong Police Force arrested Wan Yiu-sing, an online radio host for channel D100, on suspicion of sedition. The International…

La Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ) se joint au mouvement syndical mondial pour soutenir les syndicalistes du Myanmar qui descendent…

Un journaliste de la BBC originaire d’Irlande du Nord a reçu des menaces pour avoir participé à un documentaire d’investigation sur les relations…

Le 2 février, le directeur de l’hebdomadaire satirique, Raymond Malonga, âgé de 60 ans, a été arrêté pour diffamation en raison d’un article portant…

Australian news presenter Cheng Lei, who has been detained by China’s authorities since August 2020, was officially arrested on February 5 for…

Cambodian media bodies have expressed deep concern over a new directive from Cambodian police that bans journalists from filming, recording and…

Quelques jours avant le procès des journalistes Catarina Andreeva et Darja Chulcova, qui aura lieu le 9 février, l’Association biélorusse des…

China has accused the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) of creating fake news and has threatened to take measures against the public broadcaster.…