Journalists and media workers face travel restrictions due to the government’s strict new stay-at-home orders. The restriction will also affect…

Le journaliste Siddique Kappan a été arrêté et placé en détention par la police de Mathura (Etat d’Uttar Pradesh) car il aurait incité à la violence…

Google’s offer to pay to license news has been welcomed by journalists’ unions around the world as an important first step, but the pledge of just…

Police detained four journalists in eastern Turkey on 6 October and raided their homes and offices following their reporting on allegations of Turkish…

El periodista Abraham Jiménez Enoa denunció que el jueves último fue amedrentado mediante una citación judicial con interrogatorio por su trabajo como…

Interview de Mohamed Hamdhoon, rédacteur-adjoint chez Mihaaru News (Maldives), et président de la nouvellement reformée Association des journalistes…

Police detained four journalists in eastern Turkey on 6 October and raided their homes and offices following their reporting on allegations of Turkish…

The Jammu and Kashmir Police have registered a First Information Report (FIR) on October 4 against a website that published a list of journalists and…

Online journalist Sovann Rithy, arrested in April for “incitement to cause chaos”, was released from detention on October 5. The Phnom Penh Municipal…

Cambodian television journalist, Kuy Piseth from news portal News English (CNE), died in Phnom Penh in the early hours of September 29. The…

La pandémie de Covid-19 a perturbé la façon dont des millions de travailleurs dans le monde, y compris les journalistes, exercent leur travail. Pour…

The National Federation of Journalists (FENAJ) is proposing a new tax on digital platforms and the creation of a Fund to Support and Promote…

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins international calls on the government of Indonesia to repeal the Omnibus Law on Job Creation,…

Derana TV journalist Indunil Wijenayake was attacked by sand-miners in the Kumbukkan Oya area of Monaragala district on October 3 while reporting on…

La rédactrice en chef russe Irina Slavina est décédée après s’être immolée par le feu devant les bâtiments du ministère de l’Intérieur à Nijni…

IFJ in the news !

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is…