A court in Gomel, Belarus, declared on 27 July that the news website and social networks of the independent Polish channel Belsat TV were to be…

Four Afghan journalists, Bismillah Watandoost, Qudrat Soltani, Mujib Obaidi, and Sanaullah Siam were arrested by Afghanistan’s National Directorate of…

Según un informe publicado por la Asociación Nacional de Periodistas del Perú (ANP), la polarización en la que se enmarcaron los últimos comicios…

The Local Journalism Sustainability Act seeks to keep the local media in the United States financially viable and turn around a struggling industry.…

Au cœur d'un journalisme de qualité se trouve la capacité de garantir aux sources qu'elles peuvent partager des informations en toute confidentialité.…

The Hong Kong police force’s national security unit searched a journalist’s home on July 26 and confiscated her travel documents, mobile phone and…

Foreign journalists reporting on the recent floods in Zhengzhou in central China’s Henan province on July 22 were harassed and threatened by citizens…

Police in Tunisia on Monday closed the office of Al Jazeera television in the capital Tunis amid political tensions in the country. The International…

El comunicador fue acribillado ayer en el estado de Sonora. En una conferencia de prensa realizada en marzo, el periodista denunció estar recibiendo…

IFJ in the news

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is…

La couverture de la pandémie de Covid-19 a été un véritable défi pour les journalistes. L'apparition de nouveaux variants du virus, comme le variant…

Broadcasts from Radio Najarab, a radio station in Najrab district of Kapisa Province, ceased from July 20 after staffers fled to save their lives amid…

Radio commentator, Renante “Rey” Cortes, was shot dead on July 22 outside radio station, DyRB, in Barangay Mambaling in central Philippines . The…

Hong Kong’s national security police have arrested two senior editors and two editorial writers at Apple Daily on July 21, weeks after the media…

Cambodian journalist Kouv Piseth is facing a possible five year sentence after he posted criticisms on Facebook about the Cambodian government’s…

In an unprecedented attack on the independent representative organisation of journalists in Belarus, the Belarusian Association of Journalists (BAJ),…