La Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ) a renouvelé aujourd'hui son appel à la communauté internationale pour qu'elle prenne des mesures…

Fifty-five journalists have been detained in Iran since the beginning of the national protests following the death of Mahsa Amini on 16 September. The…

As impunity runs rife for crimes against journalists in the Philippines, November 23 marks the thirteenth anniversary of the nation’s Ampatuan…

Mise à jour 11.01.2023 Fatou Dione, camérawoman du média en ligne Buur News, a été violemment poussée par la police le samedi 5 novembre à Dakar,…

Journalist Ahmad Saeed, who exposed the alleged involvement of the authorities in smuggling citizens from the Gaza strip to Europe, was detained on…

Broadcast journalist Mohamed Isse Hassan, a reporter for M24 TV, was killed in a double car bomb blast in Mogadishu on October 29. Three other media…

Reporter Sadaf Naeem was tragically crushed to death under a political lorry container while covering Imran Khan’s Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) long…

The International and European Federations of Journalists (EFJ-IFJ) welcome the resolution adopted on 20 October by the European Parliament to pay…

Independent blogger and human rights advocate Huynh Thuc Vy was beaten and choked by prison guards at Gia Trung Prison where she is currently serving…

In the latest crackdown on international media in Afghanistan, foreign journalist and photographer Stefanie Glinski has been barred from entering the…

El periodista y líder comunitario murió tras ser herido con armas de fuego por personas que lo atacaron en la puerta de un comercio que era de su…

Four journalists are still unaccounted for following the major fire at Iran’s Evin prison on 15 October. The International Federation of journalists…

El cuerpo de Edwin Josué Andino fue hallado en la calle principal de la colonia Villa Franca de Comayagüela con heridas de armas de fuego, luego de…

Reporters Godwin Mangudya from Voice of America (VOA) and Dunmore Mundai from Alpha Media Holdings (AMH) were assaulted on 8 and 10 October in Harare,…

Voice of America journalist Sithu Aung Myint was sentenced to three years in prison with hard labour on October 7 for ‘inciting government employees…

The 16th of October will mark five years since the brutal assassination of Malta’s best-known investigative journalist and anti-corruption campaigner,…