En vísperas del Día Internacional para poner Fin a la Impunidad en los Crímenes contra Periodistas, México registra el noveno asesinato de un…

Colombia’s National Protection Unit (UNP) has been accused of unlawfully collecting highly sensitive data about the movements of Claudia Julieta…

On October 28, Assange's lead counsel told the court that credible reports of CIA plots to assassinate or kidnap Julian Assange make it impossible to…

À l'occasion de la Journée internationale de la fin de l'impunité pour les crimes commis contre les journalistes ce 2 novembre 2021, la Fédération…

On October 15, Malaysia secured a seat on the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) for the 2022 – 2024 term with 183 votes. The International…

On October 24, Taliban militia attacked freelance journalist, Sadaqat Ghorzan, while reporting on the recently reopened Torkham border crossing…

On 25 October, several journalists were arrested and media offices stormed during the unfolding of a military coup in Khartoum. The International…

On October 21, Taliban militants attacked several journalists covering a protest rally organized by a group of women demanding “work, bread, and…

Logo Novy Chas

Staff members of the Belarusian political weekly newspaper Novy Chas were searched by the authorities, temporarily detained and interrogated on 19 and…

On 5 October 2021, a new law went into effect in Armenia, raising the maximum threshold for “insults” and “defamation” fines by three times their…

Myanmar’s military junta has freed 13 journalists and media workers, after its announcement on October 18 that over 5,000 prisoners and wanted persons…

UNESCO and the International Federation of Journalists cordially invite you to participate in the Global Conference on Improving the Protection,…

Con el objetivo de visibilizar y poner en debate los efectos de las grandes plataformas de internet en las vidas de lxs trabajdorxs, en sus derechos…

Jineth Bedoya fue secuestrada y violada en el año 2000 por paramilitares a los que investigaba. El crimen, según la Corte Interamericana de Derechos…

La jueza María Cristina Díaz ha exigido al diario español eldiario.es que revele en el plazo de diez días quién les informó de la lista de bienes que…

Kashmir authorities have detained and questioned five journalists and media workers since October 8, two of whom remain imprisoned, as hostility…