JOINT STATEMENT On 8 October, the retrial of journalists, writers and media workers Ahmet Altan, Mehmet Altan, Nazlı Ilıcak, Yakup Şimşek, Fevzi…

IFJ in the news

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is…

The Andhra Pradesh government has submitted a proposal to allow department secretaries to sue media organisations for alleged “fake news”. The…

Unidentified assailants stabbed and killed Andrah Pradesh journalist K Satyanarayana on October 14 – just a month after he was attacked in a separate…

Wednesday 16 October 2019 marks two years since the brutal assassination of Malta’s best-known investigative journalist and anti-corruption…

The IFJ hosted a press briefing at the Brussels Press Club organised by the ITUC for a delegation of human rights and pro-democracy activists visiting…

Twelve journalists clearly identified as such were targeted by police violence on 14 October in Catalonia as part of the coverage of demonstrations…

Journalists Saad Ahmed, working for Hawar ANHA news agency, and Mohamed Hussein, correspondent for Çira TV, were killed and four others were injured…

Pro-democacy protests in Hong Kong have dominated headline news for months and the unrest shows no signs of dying down. The IFJ will organise a press…

Several journalists have been arrested in Egypt in a new crackdown on independent media.

IFJ in the news

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is…

A series of false allegations and smears have this week targeted journalists and unionists in Hong Kong known for speaking out against attacks on…

Four townships in Myanmar’s Rakhine state have been closed off from internet access for nearly three months, blocking access to information to…

More than 800 workers are to lose their jobs following the announcement of the closure of the Utusan Malaysia, Mingguan Malaysia, Kosmo! and Kosmo!…

The International Federation of Journalists has joined a coalition of international organisations to call on the prime minister of Iraq, Mr. Adil…

The Hong Kong government’s use of colonial era emergency regulations to prohibit face coverings in protests adds another hurdle for press freedom for…