
The Global Unions are calling on affiliates worldwide to support the Global Day of Action on Myanmar set for 15 September, which is also the…

The premises of two television channels, PB 24 News and Duranta TV, and three daily newspapers, Pratibadi Kalam, Kalmer Shakti and Daily Deshar Katha,…

Durante el 2020, en medio de la pandemia, lxs periodistas de Brasil sufrieron 428 agresiones y ataques, según un registro realizado por la Federaçao…

Reporters have been prevented from covering a vaccine drive amongst Myanmar’s Rohingya population in Rakhine State after their access to internally…

On September 8, Jammu and Kashmir authorities raided the homes of four journalists in Srinagar before their temporary detainment and questioning. The…

La police a convoqué le journaliste du site d'actualités Le Média, Thomas Dietrich, au commissariat de Puteaux (Île-de-France), où il a été interrogé…

Taliban militants arrested more than 14 media workers, including reporters and crew members, for their coverage of the anti-Pakistan and Women’s…

Hong Kong media group, Next Digital, known for its popular pro-democracy newspaper Apple Daily and owned by jailed media magnate Jimmy Lai, filed for…

Several countries and press freedom groups have warned of human rights violations in South Sudan, including the harassment of journalists and media…

Un juzgado de Guatemala desestimó el pasado 3 de septiembre los cargos de sedición contra la periodista indígena Anastasia Mejía Tiriquiz, arrestada…

Las denuncias de amenazas, hostigamiento y ataques contra trabajadorxs de prensa de todo el país no cesan. En el marco del Paro Nacional, se…

In recent days, several Maltese journalists and media outlets have been victims of online spoofing in what appears to be a major campaign to spread…

As the last US military forces departed Afghanistan and Taliban leaders celebrated ‘complete independence’ with rifle rounds in the air on August 30,…

Farida Nekzad is the managing editor of Pajhwok Afghan News, Afghanistan’s largest independent news agency, a 2008 winner of the prestigious…

IFJ in the news

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is…

Alors que les troupes américaines s'apprêtent à évacuer l'Afghanistan le 31 août, la FIJ et ses affiliés continuent d’apporter un soutien aux…