Journalist Bahroz Jaafer was arrested on 22 September after Iraqi president Barham Salih filed a defamation lawsuit against him. The International…

Turkish journalist Abdullah Bozkurt, who is exiled in Sweden, was attacked near his home in Stockholm by three men on 24 September. The International…

UNESCO is partnering with the Federation of African Journalists (FAJ), the IFJ branch in Africa, and the Media stakeholders across the continent, in…

We, the undersigned affiliate members of the International Federation of Journalists, welcome the decision of the United Nations Educational,…

Under a new policy, Hong Kong’s police will cease to recognise press accreditation issued by local media or journalist associations unless they are…

El miércoles el presidente guatemalteco Alejandro Giamattei reclamó trabajar “con seriedad” la libertad de expresión. Sin embargo, periodistas…

The staff of the Al-Rai al-Aam newspaper, suspended by the Sudanese authorities in January 2020, are protesting against the newspaper's suspension and…

On September 17, 2000, a well-known Ukrainian journalist and founder of popular Ukrainian online newspaper Ukrayinska Pravda, Georgiy Gongadze, was…

Francis Allan L. Angelo, editor-in-chief of the Daily Guardian newspaper based in Iloilo, Western Visayas region, was threaten by Plaridel Nava, a…

Lao blogger Houayheuang Xayabouly, known by her nickname Mouay, was detained in 2019 for criticising the region’s government for the mishandling of…

Journalist Jobert “Polpog” Bercasio was shot dead as he was riding a scooter in Sorgoson City, Sorgoson, Luzon on the evening of September 14. The…

La Cour d'appel d'Alger a condamné le 15 septembre le journaliste Khaled Drareni à deux ans de prison ferme pour avoir couvert les manifestations…

A raíz de el proceso de destitución que el Congreso peruano está conduciendo contra el presidente Martín Vizcarra, la Federación Internacional de…

Ante las denuncias de la organización por ataques digitales y censura por parte del gobierno salvadoreño, el presidente del país respondió con una…

El reportero Sonny Figuera publicó el pasado lunes 9 una investigación sobre esa entidad y a los dos días fue detenido por la policía, quien lo liberó…

The South Sulawesi water and police unit have arrested three student journalists in Makassar while they were covering a protest to reject sand mining…