Updated 31 May. The head of the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate (PJS) has called on the United Nations Human Rights Council (HRC) to condemn attacks…

The Islamic Republic of Iran has intensified judicial pressures and harassment of independent and critical journalists as the campaign for the…

Palestinian journalists have faced arbitrary censorship, a wave of hate speech and threats of violence online over the past three weeks according to a…

Faezeh Momeni, a reporter working for Ruydad 24 news website in Tehran, was beaten by the guard of a state vaccination center on 18 May, while she was…

Palestinian journalist Yusef Abu Hussein was killed after the Israeli military bombed his house in the Sheikh Radwan neighborhood of Gaza, while…

Following recent attacks on media in Palestine, International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) affiliates across the world have expressed solidarity…

The Federation of African Journalists (FAJ), the Pan-African organization that represents journalists in Africa, condemns in the strongest terms the…

The Israeli military has intensified its targeted attacks against media offices in Gaza. On 13 May, Israeli forces bombed the Al-Shorouk Tower, which…

Media offices have been bombed and Palestinian and international journalists arrested, beaten and threatened by Israeli forces amid escalating…

An Iraqi journalist was left seriously wounded after being shot in the head outside his home on 10 May. The International Federation of Journalists…

Israeli police are assaulting, beating, and firing stun grenades at Palestinian media workers reporting on recent clashes between Palestinian…

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) will launch a new report on China’s international media influence strategy, titled The Covid-19…

Fadil Hammad, a reporter for state broadcaster Syria TV was arrested by the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) on April 24 following his reporting on the…

[Translate to French:]

Le journaliste Rabah Karèche est emprisonné depuis le 19 avril pour ses écrits. La Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ) exige sa…

Many IFJ affiliates took action to mark World Press Freedom Day on 3 May. Here is a non exhaustive list of their initiatives.

IFJ in the news

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is…