On 17 November, two journalists were sentenced by the Egyptian Emergency State Security Court to four years in jail. The International Federation of…

In letters adressed to Yemeni Prime Minister Maeen Abdulmalik Saeed and Ansar Allah Leader Mr. Abdul-Malik al-Houthi on November 11, the International…

On November 9, a pregnant journalist was killed in a car blast in Aden on her way to the hospital to give birth. Her husband, also a journalist, was…

Legal submissions alleging that there are strong grounds to conclude that Israel’s systematic targeting of journalists working in Palestine and its…

UNESCO and the International Federation of Journalists cordially invite you to participate in the Global Conference on Improving the Protection,…

The safety of sources, the impact of Covid-19 and human rights abuses were the hot topics as the International Federaton of Journalists (IFJ) hosted a…

Les forces de police ont arrêté un journaliste travaillant pour la chaîne de télévision Zitouna le 3 octobre. Cette action s'inscrit dans une série…

Radio stations Adeniya FM and Bandar Aden were suspended after police raided their headquarters in Mansourah, Aden governorate, on 27 September.…

Journalist Abdel Nasser Salama, who was arrested at his home in July 2021 and is being held on unfounded terrorism charges, started a hunger strike on…

A journalist was hit in the head by a rubber-coated bullet fired by an Israeli soldier in a village east of Nablus in the West Bank on 22 September.…

The health of journalist Mohammed Al Sagheer, who was arrested on June 7, 2019 in Northeast Syria and sentenced by a military anti-terrorism court to…

TGS protesters in front of AFP offices

Journalists are threatening to strike over the refusal of news agency Agence France Presse to increase its below-inflation pay offer to staff in…

En collaboration avec son affilié, le Syndicat des journalistes Yéménites (SJY), la FIJ a organisé une formation sur la sécurité des femmes…

La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) ha lanzado una campaña de solidaridad internacional para lxs periodistas afganxs a medida que crece…

Luego de una semana de triunfos constantes de los combatientes Taliban, que ganaron una docena de ciudades a lo largo de Afghanistán en una ofensiva…

The health of Hisham Fouad, a journalist and activist detained for over 2 years is deteriorating after he staged a hunger strike. Fouad, who has been…