The conditions being imposed by the Qatari government for journalists covering the World Cup, including restricting the locations where international…

CGU Statement, 7 October 2022. The International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), the Trade Union Advisory Committee to the OECD (TUAC) and the…

Cameraman Louay Samhan and reporter Mahmoud Fawzy, who work for Palestine TV, were shot and wounded on 5 October while covering an Israeli military…

Lutf Al-Sarari, editor-in-chief of the Khuyut platform based in Sanaa, was dismissed from his job and has still not received the legal compensation he…

UPDATED 06.10.22 Twenty four journalists have been detained amid national protests following the death of Mahsa Amini, and internet showdowns and…

Six media workers have been arrested by the security forces in Iran amid national protests following the death in detention of a young woman on 16…

La formation de la Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ) sur la sécurité des journalistes d'investigation s'est côturée à Nouakchott le 22…

On 20th September, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) will join the International Centre of Justice for Palestinians (ICJP)'s press…

Israeli Palestinian journalist Nidal Ighbariya, who specialised in covering violent crime, was shot dead by an unidentified gunman on September 4 as…

The Israeli army and security forces were responsible for at least 479 violations of media and journalists’ rights in Palestine during the first half…

Le journaliste tunisien Salah Attia, fondateur et rédacteur en chef du journal en ligne Al-Ray al-Jadid, a été condamné à trois mois de prison le 16…

Journalists in Palestine will join a sit-in organised by Labour unions to demand improved social conditions for media workers. In a joint statement…

At least 23 journalists and media workers are imprisoned in Egypt for simply carrying out their professional duties according to IFJ statistics. The…

The health of Yemeni journalist Tawfiq Al-Mansoori, who was sentenced to death together with three other journalists in April 2020 by the Houthi…

Des journalistes et manifestant.e.s ont été attaqué.e.s au gaz neurotoxique par les forces de sécurité à Tunis le 22 juillet, lors d'une manifestation…

On 6 July 2022, lawyers acting on behalf of the family of Shireen Abu Akleh, and journalist Ali al-Samoudi, wrote to the Palestinian Authority (PA)…