Media Prima Berhard, the owner of various media including New Strait Times, Berita Harian and Harian Metro as well as four television channels, is…

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) says 12 journalist deaths this year in South Asia are yet to have the murderers identified, let…

Hong Kong journalists hit with blue dye filled water cannons, and verbal abuse from police in two separate incidents. The International Federation of…

Journalist unions and representative organisations have joined forces to condemn suggestions for a government accreditation scheme for journalists in…

Plus de 850 journalistes, photographes, responsables de médias et représentants de journalistes signent une tribune contre la décision de Google qui…

En cette Journée nationale de la presse algérienne du 22 octobre, la Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ) condamne la vague de répression…

A nation-wide campaign countering the Australian government’s culture of secrecy launched on Australian television yesterday, continuing today with…

IFJ in the news

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is…

A former journalist with Berita Satu TV won an important case for workers’ rights in Indonesia, with his former employee ordered to pay severance and…

Los Angeles Times Guild secured yesterday the first collective agreement in the title's history that will provide immediate pay rises and measures to…

The IFJ hosted a press briefing at the Brussels Press Club organised by the ITUC for a delegation of human rights and pro-democracy activists visiting…

A series of false allegations and smears have this week targeted journalists and unionists in Hong Kong known for speaking out against attacks on…

More than 800 workers are to lose their jobs following the announcement of the closure of the Utusan Malaysia, Mingguan Malaysia, Kosmo! and Kosmo!…

The Hong Kong government’s use of colonial era emergency regulations to prohibit face coverings in protests adds another hurdle for press freedom for…

On t'a dit que travailler dans un média numérique c'est toujours précaire... C'EST FAUX!

Pakistan news outlets ARY News and AAJ News have reportedly terminated the jobs of 150 journalists, justifying the mass lay-offs as part of a…