La Secretaría de Gobernación solicitó a la Coordinadora de la Comisión Ejecutiva de Atención a Víctimas del Gobierno del Estado de Chihuahua (CEAVE),…

Aujourd'hui c’est la Journée mondiale contre l'homophobie, la transphobie et la biphobie (IDAHOBIT). Le Conseil des Global Unions (CGU), un groupe de…

La revista Semana denunció en una investigación al Ejército Colombiano por interferir computadoras y teléfonos de periodistas que reportaban sobre el…

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has welcomed the announcement by Somalia’s President to repeal harsh laws which criminalised freedom…

Este Día Internacional de lxs Trabajadorxs nos encuentra en medio de una crisis política, económica y sanitaria sin precedentes. Nuevamente, como en…

Six companies representing 18 media outlets in the country were reported to the Ministry of Labor for practices on the sidelines of Covid-19 for a…

Le Népal est soumis à un confinement général depuis le 24 mars. Le Fédération des journalistes népalais (FNJ) reste au contact des journalistes.

In the early hours of Tuesday 14 April, the Turkish Parliament passed a law which will lead to the release of up to 90,000 prisoners. However, it…

Egyptian photojournalist Mohammed Hassan has been in jail on trumped-up terrorism charges since September 2019. The International Federation of…

Independent journalist Afgan Mukhtarli was released after three years in arbitrary detention in Azerbaijan. The International and European Federation…

A District Court in Virginia, United States, ordered the release of whistleblower Chelsea Manning on 13 March. Manning, was jailed in March 2019 for…

En la madrugada de este miércoles, un desconocido atacó a Mireya Ulloa, directora editorial de “La Opinión” de Poza Rica, cuando llegaba a su casa…

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the Palestinian Journalist Syndicate strongly condemn this deliberate act of violence against…

Al-Sabah journalist Tawfik Al-Tamimi, was abducted on 9 March by unidentified gunmen on his way to Baghdad. The International Federation of Journalist…

MIS A JOUR 29.05.2020 Le journaliste algérien Khaled Drareni a été arrêté le 7 mars alors qu'il couvrait une manifestation à Alger et demeure en…

BBC journalist Rana Rahimpour attended today on behalf of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) the Human Rights Council in Geneva. During…