Iranian censors have shut down Jahan Sanaat newspaper after it reported the comments of a health professional about the real number of Coronavirus…

A court in Algeria sentenced journalist Khaled Drareni to three years in prison on 10 August after he had reported on the anti-government…

At least 19 journalists were detained and many others were prevented from covering the Belarusian presidential election held on Sunday, August 9. The…

Pablo Morrugares Parraguirre, director de PM Noticias, fue abatido ayer en el Estado de Guerrero tras ser amenazado en las redes sociales. Desde el…

Journalist Mohamed Mounir died on 15 July after contracting Covid-19 in jail, where he had spent a month after his arrest on 15 June. The…

Russian security forces arrested former journalist and current adviser of the head of the Russian space agency Ivan Safronov on 7 July on charges of…

Más de una decena de organizaciones sociales de ese país integraron el cuerpo de la denuncia presentado por la relatora especial sobre Violencia…

Yemeni journalists have suffered numerous press freedom violations ranging from killings, torture and kidnapping to threats, attacks on media…

Radio journalist Svetlana Prokopyeva has been found guilty of "justifying terrorism" and fined 500,000 rubles (around 6.000 €) over a column she wrote…

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and dozens of press freedom, human rights, and privacy rights organizations across five continents…

Jorge Enrique Rodríguez, periodista de Diario de Cuba y reportero del medio español ABC, está detenido desde ayer y será sometido a juicio el martes…

Los trabajadores de prensa fueron baleados desde un auto que luego se dio a la fuga. La policía detuvo a las pocas horas a dos sospechosos acusados de…

Russian journalist and photographer David Frenkel was assaulted and seriously injured by a policeman at a polling station in St. Petersburg on 2 July…

Experienced reporter and Yemeni Journalists Syndicate (YJS) board member Nabil Al Osaidi has repeatedly received phone call threats over the past few… journalist Peter Sabo found a bullet in his mailbox on 25 June, according announced today the news website editor-in-chief Peter Bárdy.…

UPDATED 24 JULY Independent news website has told its readers that the site’s staff and the whole newsroom were in danger due to “external…