Over 200 people, including 14 journalists, were arrested on June 21 during peaceful demonstrations against the arrest of presidential nominee Viktar…

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Partout dans le monde, les affiliés de la FIJ ont pris des mesures clés pour soutenir les travailleurs des médias dans le cadre de la pandémie de…

Organizaciones armadas amenazaron de muerte a cinco periodistas del sur de ese país mediante panfletos de dominio público.

Journalist Mohamed Mounir was detained on June 15 on charges of "spreading fake news", a widespread practice of the Egyptian government to silence…

La Fédération des journalistes africains (FAJ), l'organisation panafricaine de la Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ), a publié ce mardi…

Iranian journalists are calling on the Romanian authorities to take judicial action against judge Gholamreza Mansouri for human rights violations…

The Sudanese authorities crackdown on media, unions and journalists has escalated during the Covid-19 pandemic, with tightening state control over…

The Argentine Justice revealed an espionage structure which worked within the Federal Intelligence Agency, but outside this entity's law. During the…

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette management removed two prominent Black journalists from covering anti-racism protests sweeping the USA following the…

The Kurdish Journalists Syndicate (KJS) has condemned abuses of media freedom by the government and local authorities in the midst of the COVID-19…

Les journalistes ukrainiens sont confrontés à de multiples problèmes en raison de la pandémie de coronavirus, une situation à laquelle s'attaque le…

Unidentified gunmen assassinated photographer Nabil Hasan al-Qaiti on June 2, outside his home in a suburb of Aden city located in the south of…

Desconocidos tiraron una bomba incendiaria contra el automóvil del director del medio Ciudad Obregón Informa, Marco Antonio Duarte Vargas. El hecho…

The Russian authorities condemned reporter and activist Ilya Azar to 15 days in prison on 28 May and detained several journalists who rallied in his…

American journalist Matt Belanger was assaulted and physically attacked by a man who “perceived he was homosexual”. The International Federation of…

On 18 May, dozens of protesters stormed the premises of MBC broadcaster in Baghdad following its airing of a show critical of the Iraqi militia…