The masterminds behind the killing of 58 people, including 32 media workers, were found guilty of murder on December 19. The International Federation…

The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ/EFJ), in partnership with their Turkish affiliates, organized last week two training…

[Translate to French:]

La Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ), première organisation mondiale de la profession, célèbre ce 10 décembre la Journée des droits…

The Fair Work Commission in Australia handed down a decision on November 20, announcing digital media workers must have access to the same rights as…

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) made a submission to Australia’s Senate Inquiry into Press Freedom on October 8, 2019. The IFJ and…

Le 14 novembre, le groupe GUE/NGL au Parlement européen a organisé une matinée de témoignages et déclarations d'experts sur le cas de l'extradition du…

Le 9 novembre, plus de 150 journalistes algériens ont publié une tribune dans laquelle ils appellent le gouvernement à les laisser remplir leur…

The parliament of Ukraine held a hearing on November 6 about the safety of journalists in Ukraine. The hearing was a joint initiative of the National…

IFJ in the news

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is…

IFJ in the news

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is…

Plus de 850 journalistes, photographes, responsables de médias et représentants de journalistes signent une tribune contre la décision de Google qui…

A nation-wide campaign countering the Australian government’s culture of secrecy launched on Australian television yesterday, continuing today with…

Los Angeles Times Guild secured yesterday the first collective agreement in the title's history that will provide immediate pay rises and measures to…

A series of false allegations and smears have this week targeted journalists and unionists in Hong Kong known for speaking out against attacks on…

More than 800 workers are to lose their jobs following the announcement of the closure of the Utusan Malaysia, Mingguan Malaysia, Kosmo! and Kosmo!…

El ayuntamiento de Madrid anunció el pasado 29 de septiembre el cierre de la radio local M21, dejando a sus trece trabajadores en una situación de…