La direction de l'hebdomadaire français Valeurs Actuelles et le Syndicat français des éditeurs de la presse magazine (SEPM) ont lancé des poursuites…

Le photojournaliste Islam Al-Hakiri, arrêté le 25 janvier à Tunis alors qu'il remplissait sa mission d'informer, a vu sa peine de prison confirmée par…

China has tightened control over media workers with a new rule that bans journalists from self-publishing news via social media accounts. The Chinese…

Les géants de l’Internet, Google et Facebook, ont menacé de suspendre leurs services en Australie si le nouveau code, qui les forcera à rémunérer les…

Four Syrian journalists’ professional groups, including IFJ affiliate, the Syrian Journalists Association (SJA) launched a campaign on January 25 to…

Riots, which took place in several cities in the Netherlands on 23 January following the government's decision to impose a 9pm curfew aimed at curbing…

TV journalist Dawit Kebede Araya was shot dead in his car on 20 January near his home in the conflict-hit region of Tigray located in northern…

La Federação Nacional dos Jornalistas (FENAJ) lanzó este martes 26 de enero el Informe "Violencia contra Periodistas y Libertad de Prensa en…

The Global Unions Federations and the International Trade Union Confederation call on the Egyptian president to order the immediate release of Ahmed…

Dozens of journalists and media workers were arrested and beaten by the police on January 23 while covering protests in support of jailed opposition…

The disruption of the global economy due to COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 exacerbated the commercial challenges already facing the media industry around…

Reporter Hamdi Atef Abdel Fattah and online news editor Ahmed Khalifa went missing after being arrested between 4 and 6 January on charges of…

A Gujarat court has issued a non-bailable arrest warrant against senior Indian journalist Paranjoy Guha Thakurta following the filing of a defamation…

A new tax on some digital services in Spain - dubbed the Google Tax - is expected to generate huge revenues this year which journalists unions say…

Five men have been sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of journalist Humayun Kabir Balu, sixteen years after he was killed in a targeted…

There were more than 600 violations of media and journalists’ rights during 2020 in Palestine, according to the latest report from the Palestine…