At least 23 journalists and media workers are imprisoned in Egypt for simply carrying out their professional duties according to IFJ statistics. The…

Officers of the primary riot police unit of the Hellenic Police (MAT) physically attacked and teargassed several journalists and covering a protest in…

The Government of the Solomon Islands has ordered the national radio and television broadcaster, the Solomon Islands Broadcasting Corporation (SIBC),…

The health of Yemeni journalist Tawfiq Al-Mansoori, who was sentenced to death together with three other journalists in April 2020 by the Houthi…

La Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ) et l'Union de la presse francophone (UPF) ont lancé le 27 juillet un Prix pour le courage et…

Des journalistes et manifestant.e.s ont été attaqué.e.s au gaz neurotoxique par les forces de sécurité à Tunis le 22 juillet, lors d'une manifestation…

The South East Asia Journalists Unions (SEAJU) has strongly condemned the Myanmar military junta’s execution of four pro-democracy activists and the…

A female journalist was allegedly assaulted and threatened by Taliban officials on July 20 and another detained on July 26 amid continuing attacks on…

The Indonesian government will begin blocking private electronic systems operators that fail to register their platforms by July 27, despite concerns…

Taliban officials threatened and forced Australian journalist Lynne O’Donnell to publicly retract several articles during the journalist’s visit to…

IFJ in the news

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is…

Sri Lankan security forces carried out a violent raid on the Galle Face protest site in Colombo on July 22, attacking and detaining journalists and…

Three men attempted to intimidate a journalist at his house in Tamiang Layang, Central Kalimantan, on July 17, allegedly for his coverage of sexual…

Durante la conferencia diaria conocida como “mañanera” que ofrece el presidente mexicano Andrés Manuel López Obrador, el reportero Rodolfo Montes alzó…

La comunicadora, quien es ex presidenta de la Asociación de la Prensa Uruguaya (APU), denunció ante la policía que recibió una amenaza de muerte…

Despite protests by media rights organisations, Maldives President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih ratified amendments to the nation’s Evidence Act on 18 July,…