Los periodistas Sonny Figueroa y Marvin Del Cid denunciaron usurpación de su identidad virtual desde una falsa casilla de correo electrónico donde…

El presidente de Brasil, Jair Bolsonaro, deberá indemnizar con 35.000 reales (aproximadamente 6.700 dólares) a la comunicadora Patricia Campos Mello…

The legislation process to pass the Cambodian Law on Access to Information has been continually delayed since the initial plan was introduced in 2021.…

The Philippines government has again ordered the shutdown of Rappler, an independent media organisation founded by the Nobel Prize-winner Maria Ressa.…

Antonio De la Cruz, comunicador de Expresso.press, fue muerto a tiros por dos personas que lo emboscaron con una motocicleta al salir de su casa en la…

Indian journalist and AltNews co-founder, Mohammed Zubair, was arrested on June 27, for a Twitter post police alleged hurt religious sentiment in the…

El jefe de Ministros Aníbal Torres anunció que enviarán al Congreso un proyecto de ley que propone crear la figura jurídica de “delito de difusión de…

On Sunday, 26 June, Turkish police broke up the Istanbul Pride march, assaulting and detaining over 200 demonstrators and several journalists…

La Policía Federal de Brasil, a cargo de la investigación del asesinato del periodista británico Dom Phillips y el indigenista Bruno Pereira, niega…

Members of student press organisation LPM Lintas, at the State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Ambon, have faced ongoing threats and intimation…

The Philippines’ National Telecommunications Commission (NTC) has blocked several independent media sites, accusing them of supporting terrorist…

On June 12, reporter Zhang Weihan was detained and mistreated by police in Tangshan, in the Hebei province, while reporting on an assault at a local…

Saber al-Haidari, a former Yemeni journalist working for foreign media outlets, was killed on 15 June after a device planted on his car exploded while…

Journalists Navika Kumar and Saba Naqvi have been booked under sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) for hosting a talk show and sharing a satirical…

Following the United Kingdom’s decision to extradite Julian Assange to face trial in the United States, the International Federation of Journalists’…

At least 10 local and international news organisations have been barred from covering the inauguration of incoming Chief Secretary John Lee and other…