Several countries and press freedom groups have warned of human rights violations in South Sudan, including the harassment of journalists and media…

Gambian President Adama Barrow has signed on Wednesday 25 August the Access To Information (ATI) Bill into Law. The International Federation of…

The Director of Baronnie de Byakato radio – television, Joel Mumbere Musavuli, was stabbed and killed with his wife at his home by suspected Mai- Mai…

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has joined UNESCO in condemning the brutal murder of a journalist working with the Congolese…

Somali journalists deserve to work in an environment free of fear for their safety if they are to make a positive contribution to the development of…

La couverture de la pandémie de Covid-19 a été un véritable défi pour les journalistes. L'apparition de nouveaux variants du virus, comme le variant…

La FIJ, première organisation mondiale de la profession représentant 600.000 journalistes dans 150 pays, et son affilié, le Syndicat de la presse…

The Sudanese authorities blocked more than 30 news websites in the run up to protests demanding the resignation of the government. The International…

Journalists have been facing increasing threats of arrest and violence in Ethiopia since the start of the war in Tigray. Twelve journalists from two…

Security forces in Eswatini arrested and tortured two South African journalists covering pro-democracy protests on 4 July. The International…

Journalists’ union leaders from across Eastern Africa have vowed to step up the fight for fair pay, better working conditions and media freedoms at a…

Sudanese security forces arrested Al Jazeera journalist Ali Abou Shaleh while he was covering anti-government protests in Khartoum and released him…

The Reuters Digital News Report 2021 has revealed that public’s trust in news has risen sharply during the Covid-19 pandemic and that younger…

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) conducted two online workshops for lawyers from Burundi, Mexico, Sri Lanka and Yemen on the…

La pandémie de Covid-19 a été une période incertaine pour les journalistes en début de carrière, car de nombreux médias ont arrêté leur activité,…

Radio presenter Titus Badejo was brutally murdered by armed men outside Club 407, in Ibadan, on 19 June. The International Federation of Journalists…