In our Covid-19 Newsletters, we share the best initiatives of our affiliates to tackle the pandemic and the most relevant news on how the pandemic is…

IFJ South Asia Media Bulletin, April 2021 highlights assaults on 17 journalists in Bangladesh during Anti-Modi protests, South Asia Journalists…

IFJ Asia-Pacific Regional Bulletin – April, 2021 highlights discussion on findings of the IFJ’s report into China’s global media outreach strategy,…

Dans nos bulletins d'information Covid-19, nous partageons les meilleures initiatives de nos affiliés pour lutter contre la pandémie et les nouvelles…

IFJ South Asia Media Bulletin, March 2021 highlights key stories about the situation for women in media in South Asia, digital control in South Asia,…

IFJ Asia-Pacific Regional Bulletin – March, 2021 highlights the unprecedent Malaysiakini verdict, the ongoing clamp down on press freedom in Myanmar,…

In our Covid-19 Newsletters, we share the best initiatives of our affiliates to tackle the pandemic and the most relevant news on how the pandemic is…

IFJ South Asia Media Bulletin, February 2021 highlights restoration of high speed internet in J&K, South Asia Governments’ curb on Covid-19…

La Voix de la FIJ est un bulletin d'information trimestriel qui présente un tour d'horizon des dernières activités et actions menées par la FIJ à…

IFJ Asia-Pacific Regional Bulletin – February , 2021 highlights Australia’s media code backlash, effect of Myanmar coup on press freedom, Pakistan…

In our Covid-19 Newsletters, we share the best practices and initiatives of our affiliates to tackle the pandemic. Share them widely and stay safe!

IFJ South Asia Media Bulletin, January 2021 highlights journalist’s murder in South Asia, South Asian unions’ protest against economic harassment of…

The latest issue of Asia Pacific Regional Bulletin in January 2021 focuses on the killing of journalists last year. As of December 31, 2020, the IFJ…

In our Covid-19 Newsletters, we share the best practices and initiatives of our affiliates to tackle the pandemic. Share them widely and stay safe!

IFJ South Asia Media Bulletin, December 2020 highlights mounting casualties of journalists and media workers in Afghanistan, South Asian journalists…

In our Covid-19 Newsletters, we share the best practices and initiatives of our affiliates to tackle the pandemic. Share them widely and stay safe!