Facebook announced it would reverse its decision to block Australian news from the platform after a breakthrough in negotiations with Australia’s…

A coalition of Malaysian and international media organisations and freedom of expression groups, including the Centre for Independent Journalism,…

Ante los reclamos realizados por la Organización de las Naciones Unidas (ONU) por las “violaciones de derechos humanos por parte de las fuerzas de…

A new wave of unionising is sweeping US newsrooms as workers in local and digital media join forces to protect their rights at work.

Freelance journalist Ahmed Botan Arab was arrested on February 21 in Bossasso, in the northeast region of Puntland, accused of “spreading…

Maldives Police attacked a Channel 13 camera operator and harassed the channel’s chief operating officer and station deputy in two separate incidents…

Le journaliste algérien Khaled Drareni, condamné par la Cour d'Appel d'Alger le 15 septembre dernier à deux ans de prison ferme pour avoir couvert les…

[Translate to Spanish:]

Sean Holman es profesor de periodismo en la universidad Mount Royal University de Calgary (Canadá) e investigador sobre la libertad de and a freedom…

Borhan Uddin Muzakkir, a journalist with Bangla Samachar and bartabazar.com, sustained a fatal bullet injury to the neck while reporting on clashes…

Malaysian online news portal Malaysiakini was found guilty of contempt of court and fined RM500,000 (USD 120,000) on February 19 in an unprecedented…

IFJ in the news

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is…

Du 19 janvier au 11 février 2021, la Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ) a organisé une formation en ligne sur la sécurité…

Indian news portal Newsclick was the target of a five-day raid by the Department of Revenue of India from February 9 to 14 over allegations of…

At least six journalists working for different media outlets received death threats from unidentified persons through text messages and social media…

Four Sudanese journalists were arrested by local security forces on 12 February due to alleged "incitement of acts of violence, sabotage, and looting…

Catarina Andreeva and Darja Chulcova, two journalists for Belsat, the Polish satellite television station aimed at Belarus, have each been sentenced…