Con el recorte de personal, el cierre de periódicos, plantillas esqueléticas los periodistas sin sueldo y sin protección, los sindicatos piden una…

The Federation of African Journalists (FAJ), the Pan-African regional organisation of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), salutes and…

Today the IFJ joined a network of press freedom groups in calling on European leaders to protect free flow of information and ensure that media…

President Rodrigo Duterte’s legal assault to silence the Philippines major national broadcaster ABS-CBN is following the playbook on modern…

Management of the Public Radio and Television of Montenegro (RTCG) have launched disciplinary proceedings against its editor Zoran Lekovic and…

El pasado martes 11 de febrero, durante la llegada del líder opositor Juan Guaidó al Aeropuerto Internacional de Maiquetía, luego de su gira por…

Dr Li Wenliang, who was silenced by the Chinese authorities for warning people about the coronavirus, died from the illness on February 7 at the age…

Journalists in Pakistan are facing a widespread crisis of unpaid salaries, causing financial instability, trauma and stress-related deaths in the…

El pasado miércoles 22 de enero, el grupo mediático El Mercurio retomó su plan de despidos, ahora desvinculando a 50 trabajadorxs de sus distintos…

The Turkish press authority on 24 January cancelled press cards of hundreds of journalists, but did not give any reason for the measure. The…

Leaflets threatening to kill seven Tamil journalists were left at the Batticaloa Press Club and a nearby bus stop in Batticaloa, a city in the Eastern…

Du 7 au 9 janvier 2020 à Amman (Jordanie), la Fédération internationale des journalistes a organisé un séminaire de formation sur la sécurité…

The European Broadcasters Union (EBU) has published a new report, ‘All Things Being Equal’, in which its members share their own experience and good…

We, undersigned General Secretaries of the Global Unions representing sectors of activities where workers rights are denied, request the Duterte…

Quatre journalistes du média Le Temps d'Algérie sont victimes d'une nouvelle attaque contre la liberté de la presse dans le pays. La FIJ condamne…

Le 9 novembre, plus de 150 journalistes algériens ont publié une tribune dans laquelle ils appellent le gouvernement à les laisser remplir leur…