Two journalists were assaulted by public order agency officers while covering an Independence Day ceremony in Palu, Central Sulawesi on August 17. The…

The Taliban harassed and detained American journalist and filmmaker, Ivor Shearer, and Afghan producer, Faizullah Faizbakhsh on August 17. The…

El cuerpo del comunicador fue hallado dentro de su vehículo cerca de su hogar. Con este crimen, ya son 15 lxs periodistas asesinadxs en México, lo que…

Pakistani state authorities have detained Bol News journalist Jameel Farooqui, following accusations of ‘anti-state’ statements posted to his YouTube…

The Israeli army and security forces were responsible for at least 479 violations of media and journalists’ rights in Palestine during the first half…

Five journalists from an independent media organisation and four environmental activists were arrested while covering land clearing activity at a…

Tunisian Journalist Salah Attia, founder and editor-in-chief of the online newspaper Al-Ray al-Jadid, was sentenced to three months in jail on August…

A Quezon City court has ordered the National Telecommunication Commission (NTC) to cease blocking the website of independent media outlet Bulatlat,…

One year on from the Taliban takeover, the South Asia Media Solidarity Network (SAMSN) has today called on governments and the international community…

El comunicador se encontraba camino a una cobertura cuando fue sorprendido por dos sicarios que le dispararon al menos nueve veces dentro del vehículo…

A new report released by an IFJ Afghan affiliate has outlined the bleak conditions faced by women journalists in Afghanistan, including financial…

In the year following the Taliban’s takeover of Kabul, the IFJ has received thousands of requests for assistance from journalists and media workers on…

Lailuma Sadid is an Afghan journalist and a political refugee due to the threats that she received from the Taliban for her journalistic work. She has…

Armed Taliban militants assaulted and intimidated members of an Al-Hadath TV crew during a live broadcast in Kabul on August 10. The International…

Independent citizen journalist, Do Cong Duong, has died in detention on August 2 while serving an eight-year sentence for reporting on land seizures…

Taiwanese pro-independence news outlet, Formosa Television (FTV) News, has been subject to cyber-attacks and disruptions from suspected Chinese…