Twenty years after the murder of investigative journalist Martin O’Hagan, who was shot dead in Lurgan, Northern Ireland, by the paramilitary Loyalist…

CIA officials under the Trump administration plotted to kidnap and assassinate journalist and Wikileaks founder Julian Assange when he was hiding at…

A journalist was hit in the head by a rubber-coated bullet fired by an Israeli soldier in a village east of Nablus in the West Bank on 22 September.…

With the Taliban taking over, the women journalists of Afghanistan have been put under extreme pressure and even threatened. Things have turned…

Chinese journalist and activist Sophia Huang Xueqin is feared to have been detained in China after disappearing on September 19. The International…

Following pressure from journalist unions, Bangkok’s Metropolitan Police have conceded that the extended list of requirements for media workers…

The National Press and Publications Council of Sudan suspended on 20 September the publication of newspapers, Al – Intibaha and Al – Sayha for a…

La Federación Argentina de Trabajadores de Prensa (FATPREN) llevó adelante durante las últimas semanas asambleas y un paro nacional para exigir un…

Three separate IFJ digital media studies commissioned from July to September 2021 found that digital media workers in Pakistan are largely ignored…

En los últimos días se recrudeció la hostilidad del gobierno hacia trabajadorxs de prensa y contra la Asociación de Periodistas de El Salvador (APES),…

Durante la noche de ayer se conoció la noticia del asesinato del comunicador en la región del Valle de Cauca. Si bien los motivos del crimen aún no…

Hong Kong’s national security chief recently accused the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA), an affiliate of the International Federation of…

El jueves 16 de septiembre, trabajadorxs de la revista Caras y Caretas y del periódico La Diaria se presentaron ante la justicia por una demanda por…

The health of journalist Mohammed Al Sagheer, who was arrested on June 7, 2019 in Northeast Syria and sentenced by a military anti-terrorism court to…

Myanmar’s military junta is increasingly arresting media workers, a sign of the gradual deterioration of press freedom in the country. The…

Concerns for Chinese journalist and former lawyer Zhang Zhan are increasing after reports showed that Zhang’s health condition had deteriorated during…