A pocos días de haberse celebrado el Día Mundial de la Libertad de Expresión, ayer fue localizado el cuerpo del reportero Luis Enrique Ramírez Ramos,…

Francisca Sandoval, periodista de Señal 3, recibió un disparo en el rostro en las protestas realizadas en Santiago por el Día de lxs Trabajadorxs el…

To mark World Press Freedom Day on May 3, the Belarusian Association of Journalists (BAJ) has been awarded the Difference Day Honorary Title for its…

To mark World Press Freedom Day on May 3, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), on behalf of the South Asia Media Solidarity Network…

Los casos de espionaje a periodistas y trabajadores/as de los medios de comunicación a través de programas de vigilancia se han multiplicado en los…

Many IFJ affiliates are taking action to mark World Press Freedom Day on 3 May. Here is a non exhaustive list of their initiatives.

The Belarusian Association of Journalists (BAJ) has been awarded the 2022 UNESCO Guillermo Cano Prize. The Award Ceremony will take place on 2 May in…

Billionaire Elon Musk reached agreement with the board of Twitter board on 25 April to buy the social network for a deal valued at $44 billion and is…

Legal submissions alleging that Israel’s systematic targeting of journalists working in Palestine and its failure to properly investigate killings of…

On Wednesday 27 April 2022, the Platform to Promote Protection of Journalism and Safety of Journalists will launch its report “Defending Press Freedom…

Hong Kong’s largest journalist union, the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA), has announced to members that it will hold a special meeting to…

Television presenter Moheb Jalili was beaten and abducted by Taliban militants on April 17 and reporter Reza Shahir was detained by the Taliban on…

On April 4, Bhutan’s Ministry of Agriculture and Forests issued a compulsory retirement order to two of its staff after they were seen speaking with…

Since the Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan, the IFJ has received thousands of requests for assistance from journalists and media workers on the…

Con este arresto ya son cuatro las personas que están vinculadas a proceso por el crimen de Jacinto Romero, periodista que murió tras recibir varios…

Solidarity centers just launched by the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine (NUJU), with the support of the International and European…