The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), representing over 600,000 journalists around the world, today joined calls by workers'…

Since the Indian government imposed Covid-19 restrictions on March 25, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has recorded 17 legal cases…

As Member States start discussing the proposed EU recovery plan, the International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ/EFJ), along with 92…

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“El impacto de la crisis sanitaria y económica del Covid-19 tendrá sin duda consecuencias terribles para los hombres y mujeres periodistas. Pero ya…

Ayúdanos a evaluar el impacto de la pandemia de la COVID-19 en las mujeres periodistas respondiendo a esta encuesta diseñada por el Consejo de Género…

Security officials barred private media journalists from covering an official event held in Chinhoyi city on 12 June that the president Emmerson…

A special aid package to protect journalists wages and support struggling media is to be introduced in North Macedonia thanks to the efforts of the…

The Federation of African Journalists (FAJ), the Pan–African Organisation of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has launched today a…

Iranian journalists are calling on the Romanian authorities to take judicial action against judge Gholamreza Mansouri for human rights violations…

Australia’s journalists’ union, the Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance (MEAA) said a News Media Bargaining Code is critical for media outlets to…

The Sudanese authorities crackdown on media, unions and journalists has escalated during the Covid-19 pandemic, with tightening state control over…

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette management removed two prominent Black journalists from covering anti-racism protests sweeping the USA following the…

The proposed Australian Associated Press (AAP) newswire sale is in the final stages of negotiation with a consortium of investors and philanthropists.…

During the Covid-19 crisis, the Union of Journalists in Finland has concentrated on supporting members with advice on how to manage during the crisis…

Los periodistas ucranianos siguen enfrentándose a múltiples problemas debido a la pandemia del coronavirus. El Sindicato Nacional de Periodistas de…

Mujeres líderes y activistas sindicales unieron sus fuerzas en un seminario web sobre la violencia de género celebrado el 2 de junio para denunciar…